Stay Active & Pain-Free
BodyFit offers chiropractic care, therapeutic massage, and nutritional assistance to support a healthy lifestyle.
Expert Chiropractic Care
As a chiropractor who cares about utilizing the most advanced chiropractic techniques, Dr. Perry Guyton has years of training, expertise and experience in helping patients get pain relief for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other related conditions originating from the spine. Chiropractic care under a trained professional can even be used to prevent injuries and help you achieve total health or wellness.
Nutrition & Fitness
We offer the Ulan Nutritional Program and customized fitness plans.
Chiropractic Care
It is our mission to rid patients of their acute and chronic neck and back pains.
Massage Therapy
Enjoy personalized therapies including deep tissue, Swedish, and sports massage.
Contact Information
Call us if you have questions or would like to make an appointment.